Projects tagged with Hand Drawing
1st Class Honours Degree
24hr Information Dissemination Centre
Tags Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 10
- 0
- 305
Part 2 Diploma Project
Theatre, Kingston-upon-Hull
Tags Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 4
- 4
- 127
The Bank of St Mary
Diploma major project: Cohabitation of a bank within an underused church in a low income area.
Tags Model Making, Lighting, Landscape, Hand Drawing, Modelling, Visuals, Detailing
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 17
- 5
- 367
School of Circus Arts_Thesis_MSA
In Lisbon the city and the landscape are bound together. The terrain causes the architecture to be both buried and exposed. The building is a performing arts school designed for Circus Arts in Castelo. The physical construction of a new urban building type marks the recognition of the culture of Circus Arts in Lisbon and growth of the art form.
Tags Visuals, Modelling, Hand Drawing, Landscape
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 13
- 3
- 244
Therapy centre for disabled marines
The project looks at the psychological and physical recovery process of the soldier and translates this journey from chaos to order in the relationshi
Tags Landscape, Hand Drawing, Modelling
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 9
- 0
- 226
Medieval print
drawing 2009
Tags Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 1
- 0
- 8
Recording Studios, Wroclaw
2nd year diploma project. The design features both a wider urban plan for an area of Wroclaw, as well as a detailed design of a music rehearsal and recording complex. the differing characters of rehearsal and recording music (as opposed to a performance) were investigated. a more urban, demonstrative building was sought to house recording studios, traditionally a more introverted type of architecture. a semi-translucent glass screen encloses the various materially characterful and specific spaces of a recording and rehearsal complex. while the studios remain mostly private, a rehearsal hall for wroclaw’s philharmonic orchestra is faced by various ‘listening galleries’ where members of the public can listen in on the rehearsal, while only gaining oblique views of the performers.
Tags Hand Drawing, Modelling, Visuals, Technical, Masterplan
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 8
- 3
- 121
Advertising Agency
Asked to create a space of production and exchange, the project takes the immediate context of Stratford in the midst of the Olympic Games through the creation of a promoting platform for the event. The idea of passage to the new Olympic site is enhanced and multiplied to create a new circulation for the given exhibition space and offices.
Tags Hand Drawing, Modelling, Visuals, Detailing, Technical
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 8
- 1
- 88
Writer\'s Retreat, Cornwall
1st year Diploma project. A \'retreat\' in the cornish hinterland, drawing on monastic typology and plan form. Material and space were investigated as backdrop for housing the writers in a bleaker, more rolling upland version of the cornwall generally known.
Tags Hand Drawing, Visuals, Landscape, Model Making
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 7
- 0
- 90
Free City Oxford
The project aims to address the problems caused by a severe housing shortage in Oxford and the country as a whole, proposing a bottom-up housing initiative where dweller control drives the process in which both the housing procedures and the dwelling environments produced act as vehicles for personal fulfillment and stimulate real social and economic development. Rather than a master-planned, ready-made solution it proposes a strategy of gradual growth for the self-organised settlement aimed to be an extension of the city’s existing urban fabric and society.
Tags Hand Drawing, Visuals, Modelling, Masterplan
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 16
- 6
- 3343
MArch Thesis Project: Florence, Italy
Itinerary/Itinerant: Transient Spaces in the Territorial City
Tags Masterplan, Visuals, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 8
- 0
- 300
Canvey Council Pier
Based on Canvey Island, the Canvey Council Pier proposal seeks to subvert the traditional notion of \'civic\' architecture, taking a carnivalesque approach in maintaining its civic duty.
Tags Model Making, Hand Drawing, Modelling, Visuals, Masterplan
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 19
- 2
- 307
Aesthetic Machines
Conceptual development for the Canvey Council Pier project
Tags Hand Drawing, Modelling, Visuals, Model Making
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 11
- 2
- 253
The BioMassive
A project run by the UK firm, Bauman Lyons to develop, as a year, a sustainable neighbourhood and challenge the idea of an upcoming theme or residential trend of localisation. Our group of three students designed an Algae power plant and combined this algae process of grow-harvest-combust-distribute with a public bath house. As the aim of the brief was not to go into detail design on the building, but rather look at the elevations, plans and sections in relation to the master plan as a whole, we were unable to explore all the interior details of our design. We wanted to change the present public perception of the typical power plant and produce a modest, elegant, \'background\' building for public consumption and generate an awareness of green power production within the neighbourhood.
Tags Hand Drawing, Visuals, Urban Planning
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 10
- 2
- 230
Birmingham Markets
A detailed urban study of Birmingham\'s Historic food, markets and transport references. Warranting a market expansion in desirable areas to live.....
Tags Visuals, Technical, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 13
- 4
- 420
High Rise Residential, Glasgow
Combines the best of suburban life with the best of urban. Buildings read as stacked dwellings, each triple aspect with gardens and winter gardens.
Tags Hand Drawing, Visuals, Scale
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 9
- 6
- 481
Clyde Exhibition Centre
Exibition and Creative Arts Centre inspired by Glasgows Industrial and ship building past and its connection to the water.
Tags Construction, Model Making, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 32
- 1
- 1570
{- Reinterpreting the Urban Cemetery - Thesis}
Within the current and rapid expansion of the popularity of urban living, how we deal with our remains is becoming an increasing spatial and environmental issue. Burial is no longer viable within city precincts due to the cost of land and maintenance and furthermore, the green house gas and mercury emissions from cremation have lead to this form of disposal producing one sixth of all the United Kingdom\'s mercury emissions. A radical shift in the way we understand and deal and with dead needs to be undertaken. Furthermore, the thoughts of the distopian novel, 1984 by George Orwell challenge the way in which a society, forced to forget, finds memory triggers from physical objects and architecture. The idea of sanctuary - a place of seclusion; death - an accepted inevitable and the constant surveillance of \'The Party\' are comparative themes taken from the book into trends within the London we know today. After critically analysing the digital realm and the amount of digital information produced in the world today, we have questions the split of ourselves into the physical person and the digital person. One passes away, the other never dies. What happens to the digital self once the physical self has passed? Is there a way of storing and capturing memories and transform our daily routine of Internet and Facebook into a physicality to be shared and stored for future family and/or generations to access and learn from? Furthermore, could we reconnect the detachment of the physical and digital spheres through the sanctuary of architecture?
Tags Visuals, Modelling, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 2
- 0
- 14
Birnbeck Island Open Air School
Proposal for a school allowing its pupils to explore and learn through the interface between the man-made and natural environments. The ‘open air’ concept is taken literally in that the school context stretches far beyond the boundary of the old Victorian pier on Birnbeck Island to any appropriate setting in the wider region around the Severn estuary.
Tags Landscape, Hand Drawing, Visuals
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 6
- 2
- 214
Open Air Classroom - Bayards Hill Primary School
The project responds to the need for enhancing the under-used open space within the school grounds. Positioned separately from the main school compound, with the \'classroom\' building designed to be a educational and gathering space and a beacon both for the school and the local community. The adopted form minimises its footprint on land, expresses high environmental standards, improves site access and use patterns, thus, together with the new apple orchard, achieving high social value for the school and the surrounding area.
Tags Visuals, Technical, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 5
- 3
- 408
Project Pigeon - Winning Competition Design
Project done during my first year in study to design a Pigeon Loft in Digbeth, Birmingham. Currently awaiting construction.
Tags Model Making, Competition, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 3
- 0
- 41
Tags Hand Drawing, Computer Model, Visuals
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 3
- 2
- 117
Shuffled Urban Villa, Brick Lane, London (portfolio excerpts)
Year 2, semester 1 project. Form derived from the shuffle patterns of my personal iPod Shuffle
Tags Computer Model, Hand Drawing, Detailing
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 7
- 0
- 73
The Sepulchral Birthing Centre (portfolio excerpts)
DipArch - Year 1, semester 1 project. Alpha. Birthing centre reflecting the nature of the adjacent Headington Cemetery.
Tags Hand Drawing, Visuals
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 4
- 0
- 29
Patches of the Picturesque
‘Patches of the Picturesque’ is the culmination of architecture, landscape and tele-robotic gardening in search of the perfect landscape in Orford
Tags Visuals, Computer Model, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 0
- 0
- 14
The University of Thurrock or: the End of the Long Tragedy
Master of Architecture Thesis Project exploring a new typology of further education through architectural drawing code.
Tags Hand Drawing, Visuals, Masterplan
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 9
- 0
- 354
Eastlea Community School
London Borough of Newham. Completed: April 2012. Contract value: £12m (Design & Build). RIBA stages A-L. Copyright ArchitecturePLB.
Tags On-Site, Production Info, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 3
- Pieces: 21
- 0
- 502
Hand Built Haiti
The regeneration of Darbonne, Haiti with a vernacular design of indigenous materials.
Tags Hand Drawing, Detailing, Masterplan
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 7
- 0
- 111
Housing development
Hand drawn imagery for a sensitive site
Tags Visuals, Modelling, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 2
- 1
- 30
Town Masterplan
Tags Visuals, Computer Model, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 1
- 0
- 4
The Aquaponics Cliff Farm
Aquaponics farm and education centre. Utilises renewable technologies, passive design and closed-loop systems
Tags Hand Drawing, Modelling, Technical
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 12
- 2
- 287
Elizabethan Tailoring Academy
Tailoring Academy is synthesis of the Dray walk fabric and the structural grid of the surrounding buildings.
Tags Visuals, Masterplan, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 11
- 3
- 311
Previous Work Samples
Previous work prior to my third year
Tags Technical, Hand Drawing, Model Making
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 8
- 0
- 141
Nicosia, Cyprus - Thesis Project
The dormant memories in the city\'s buffer zone are reawakened with fragrant spice crops and drying devices, strewn along an elevated low-tech trail.
Tags Hand Drawing, Visuals, Urban Planning
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 22
- 2
- 312
Mini MAXXI gallery, Glasgow
The Mini MAXXI is a contemporary art gallery housing art created in the 21st Century, situated in Merchant City, Glasgow.
Tags Hand Drawing, Visuals, Detailing
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 21
- 2
- 415
Housing project
A project to create 3 town houses and 6 flats in a vacant site in the Mutley area of Plymouth.
Tags Hand Drawing, Model Making, Facade
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 8
- 1
- 80
Historical Drawings
1st Year History Drawing Projects
Tags Detailing, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 2
- 1
- 117
time capsule
a record of the transition of buildings, facades, and human activities
Tags Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 1
- 0
- 6
Take Apart a Building
First year project. Sketches of the Palau de la Musica Reina Sofia, Calatrava.
Tags Detailing, Sketch, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 3
- 0
- 81
Biotope Pavilion Lea Valley
Currently information about wildlife sighting and numbers, collected by volunteers is uploaded to Lee Valley Regional Park Authority website and other
Tags Visuals, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 10
- 4
- 275
Bodyscape 2
A hand drawn project designing an intervention within Canterbury Cathedral.
Tags Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 9
- 0
- 53
Terrain 1
Given a small inaccessible area within Canterbury, the brief was to design a guesthouse incorporating both public and private space for a profession .
Tags Hand Drawing, Modelling, Urban Planning
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 18
- 0
- 122
Euphoric Ambiance
The concept surrounds that of smell and the different euphorias that are emmited through the natural substances. This reflects on the cycle of life in
Tags Detailing, Technical, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 5
- 0
- 175
Asian Culture Complex. South Korea
Tags Urban Planning, Hand Drawing, Competition
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 6
- 0
- 24
Prehistoric museum. South Korea
Tags Urban Planning, Masterplan, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 5
- 0
- 17
American University in Cairo. Egypt
Tags Masterplan, Sketch, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 3
- 0
- 21
Psychometric Hostel + Archaeological Exposition
Diploma project for Athens, employing environmental psychology, interactive architecture and a whole lot of existing architectural artefacts
Tags Hand Drawing, Sketch, Detailing
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 14
- 1
- 205
An Urban Strategy for Roman Archaeological Excavations in Modern Context of Lisbon
Final Thesis for Master by Conversion Programme
Tags Urban Planning, Masterplan, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 12
- 1
- 113
Sustainable Community for Havana
A project that provides a hub for community-driven activities in the arts, education and urban farming
Tags Hand Drawing, Computer Model, Physical Model
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 6
- 1
- 57
The brief for this project was to design a single separate room for an imaginary collection of objects. The room should be made of wood and should sto
Tags Hand Drawing, Physical Model
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 14
- 0
- 62
Affordable housing feasibility
Hand drawn feasibility sketches for affordable housing units
Tags Urban Planning, Hand Drawing, Feasibility
- RIBA Level: Part 3
- Pieces: 4
- 0
- 10
Glasgow Literary Institute
Tags Hand Drawing, Physical Model, Visuals
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 5
- 0
- 16
A Space For Learning
For this week long project we were required to contemplate the idea of a space for learning. We were given an image and a piece of text to draw from t
Tags Model Making, Hand Drawing, Sketch
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 8
- 1
- 64
Drawing Energy
Tags Scale, Visuals, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 2
- 0
- 32
Drawings / Sketches / Inks / Handwriting
Tags Hand Drawing, Visuals, Sketch
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 7
- 0
- 67
Tags Sketch, Hand Drawing, Life Drawing
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 9
- 1
- 95
Drawing Architecture [2010-2013]
a collection of drawings, sketches and illustrations
Tags Life Drawing, Hand Drawing, Sketch
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 1
- 0
- 4
Let\'s Live in Old Moat
MArch Thesis Project Working in the atelier, MSAprojects, my focus as an architectural designer has been creating inclusive, age-friendly environment
Tags Hand Drawing, Visuals, Masterplan
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 15
- 2
- 156
Housing the Masses
MArch 5th Year Research: Post-war Berlin became a tabular rasa for a ‘permanent laboratory situation’ and it is this unconstrained context that
Tags Hand Drawing, Modelling, Urban Planning
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 2
- 0
- 24
Self-Help Agricultural Community Centre
\"Providing stabilisation through sustainability\"...the rebirth of a community. The scheme, based in the Cork suburb of Blackpool, was proposed to re
Tags Hand Drawing, Physical Model, Urban Planning
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 7
- 1
- 51
Vertical Aquaponic Farm
Tanjong Pagar, Singapore Situated over the MRT station in Tanjong Pagar, the land was a former fishing village which, since the mass globalisation of
Tags Physical Model, Masterplan, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 12
- 0
- 41
Project Pigeon
BA Architecture year 1 project. A design for a pigeon loft and a pigeon keepers home in Digbeth, Birmingham. Exploring habitation themes. The relation
Tags Hand Drawing, Physical Model, Urban Planning
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 12
- 0
- 61
Conceptual University Project
Tags Visuals, Hand Drawing, Feasibility
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 2
- 0
- 6
Housing Study. Chorlton, Manchester
An active archive of research and design was compiled during this housing scheme design. The existing building was the catalyst for design.
Tags Hand Drawing, Modelling, Facade
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 9
- 0
- 14
Shadows in the City of Light
M(Arch) thesis project completed in June 2013, architecture harnessing natural light and a back-to-basics approach for sleep.
Tags Hand Drawing, Sketch, Masterplan
- RIBA Level:
- Pieces: 0
- 0
- 0
The Jeweller and the Thief in Runcorn
Creative interpretation of the urban condition through the eyes of a thief and the design for legal/illegal activity
Tags Sketch, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 0
- 0
- 1
Sheffield Care Communities
Group live project generating design and programming ideas for future care homes in Sheffield through the development of a resident engagement card ga
Tags Hand Drawing, Event, Feasibility
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 0
- 0
- 0
Bents Green BSF: Copyright BDP
12 months involvement on an SEN school in the Sheffield Green belt, within a new build, a 60\'s block renovation, and a C17th stone fronted coach hous
Tags Technical, Physical Model, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 20
- 0
- 43
some conceptual sketches during my part 1 degree
Tags Sketch, Visuals, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 1
- Pieces: 5
- 0
- 65
New entrance design - Catalent, Swindon
Conceptual and feasibility project to propose a new entrance space and refurbishment to an existing 1990\'s office building which was being propose as
Tags Sketch, Hand Drawing
- RIBA Level: Part 2
- Pieces: 0
- 0
- 0